New workshop offerings in development for 2021!
“Rebekah has a wonderful flair for creating awareness and space to reflect on our core values and gifts that we are passionate about.”
— Life Purpose workshop attendee
Interactive Workshops & Speaking Engagements
*Please note: All workshops can be customized to meet particular needs of a population. Workshops/classes can be combined to offer a series or offered separately.
Career Development Workshops:
Career related workshops designed to provide skills and practice, with an ultimate aim of building confidence
Crafting your Pitch: Telling your story
A class to provide the opportunity for attendees to reflect on skills, strengths, experiences, career interests and goals, in order to craft a marketing pitch to present oneself to a variety of audiences and purposes (ie, personal and professional networking, interviewing, etc.). Craft a pitch, learn how to customize your introduction of yourself, and gain practice and confidence in presenting your professional persona.
Superstar Networking
This interactive class is designed to provide practice and gain confidence with in-person networking. Professional and social networking starts with knowing how to speak about oneself naturally and confidently, so ideally participants have had the Crafting your Pitch class. However, this class can be designed to incorporate the pitch as well. Attendees will have the opportunity to enhance and build on in-person networking skills, gain tips on where and how to best network and expand their web of connections, and how to best follow up, and sustain networks. Attendees will also gain awareness of the informational interview as a powerful networking channel, and how to develop a networking strategy that supports their individual needs.
Hone your Interviewing Skills
A practice-based class providing the foundations for effective interviewing skills and best practices to present oneself effectively and confidently in a job interview. This class provides attendees with interviewing tips, and structure on how to best prepare for an interview, with specific practice of several common interview questions as well as behavioral interviewing questions. Learn how to be successful in all phases of interviewing: preparation, during interview, and post-interview. Create and practice responses to interview questions, gaining confidence in presenting oneself with clear, succinct answers and success stories.
Job Search Strategies with Soul
A workshop focused on best practices and strategies to to best maximize your time and energy. Learn how to approach your job search holistically during this challenging journey. A reframe of the job search - one that takes into consideration what your soul and spirit need. Map out your own best systems, tools, strategies along with a shift in perspective of how valuable support, play, community, connection and focus are in any job or career search. This process can actually be less stressful and more enjoyable than we assume it to be. Wait...could the words "fun" and "job search" actually be in the same sentence? Yes!
Resume Development
A concrete skills-based class designed to provide participants with the key elements of how to effectively market oneself via this key marketing tool. Attendees will gain confidence with creating and/or revising a strong foundation of a resume and specifically how to create a results and accomplishments focused resume marketing one’s skills, experience and strengths. This class is designed to provide time for attendees to develop their resume during the class.
Creating Effective Cover Letters - A class providing suggested structure and format of an effective cover letter for the job application process, as well as how to best customize a cover letter for a specific employer and opportunity (i.e., job, internship, fellowship). Attendees are asked to bring resume, and sample job descriptions, in order to gain practice in creating a cover letter within the structure of the class.
Holistic Well-being Workshops
HEALTH & WELLNESS focus: Workshops designed to support well-being and personal growth and move you into action oriented steps
Grounded in Gratitude: Practices
Reflect on the power of gratitude in your life, through discussion on the science of gratitude, and gratitude practices. Attendees are given the space to bring a renewed awareness of how integrating gratitude practices can create positive changes and stronger personal connections. Leave with your own simple daily gratitude practice.
TLC: A Return to Self Care
Self-care is a positive foundation in your life especially in times of stress. How do play, connection, and movement impact your management of stress? The impact of how we nourish, nurture and care for our own well-being, body, soul, heart and mind, is the ultimate foundation for how we interact with others and the world we live in. Participants reflect on & create a personal definition of “self-care”, assess areas of well-being that need a little more TLC, and map out steps towards a (new) self-care plan and practice.
**Note the TLC workshop can be developed as a longer series over several weeks, for a group or community, with specific exercises for intended population.
Self Care for Educators is a specialized workshop offered too!
The Power of Play in our Daily Lives
The purpose of this workshop is to play! Space and time are provided for attendees to explore and reflect on what play means to them, how they play, and the important role that play has in our lives. Participants will engage in play and creatively express their own definition of play, be encouraged to brainstorm steps to bring (even more) play, fun and joy into their life, and map a plan of action to do so!
Creating & Finding Balance in our Lives
Looking for a sense of balance in life? One of our largest sources of anxiety is our sense of not having enough time. How we look at time is key to managing our lives efficiently and making time for the people, experiences and activities we value. Participants reflect on their use of time and energy, a personal definition of balance, & shift in perspective of managing time and finding balance in life. Takeaway new tips, strategies, and insights on how you choose to create time for what you want in your life.
Re-Discover and Define Your Life Purpose: A 3 Part Series
This empowering series gives space to explore your unique strengths, skills, passions & values - integral in reassessing where you are now & what you want to create moving forward. Within a small group context, reflect, build community, & re-define your purpose to create a path to a fulfilled life. Part 1: Rediscover Yourself: Your Strengths, Skills, Passions and Values; Part 2: Your Values and Passions Define Your Vision; Part 3: Moving Visions into Action
Curious to learn more about the above offerings or content? Reach out, ask me questions, let me know your organization’s needs and we can customize together.