“ And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Telling part of My Story
Transitions have defined and shaped my life.
I have learned to embrace, welcome, and navigate transitions with a sense of adventure that has truly saved my life and my sanity.
When I realized that I was not playing enough, nor living my life in ways that felt good to me, I started paying more attention to the whispers that were in fact becoming much louder in my body and mind. I began to loosen the tight hold I had on my "old stories". The stories of what I did or didn't choose to do at certain moments in life, what happened to me or what I didn't expect to see come my way.
Those outdated “tapes” that keep playing over and over in our minds often lead us to that feeling of being stuck with what is. Then, we know we need to shift perspective, reframe our story, or create a new narrative…tell a new story.
I literally had to travel across the country and back, from east to west coast and then to the “third coast” (that’s Chicago) to discover parts of myself that needed to have space to simply "be" and have a voice... the journey is always evolving..every. single. day. I found new tribes and forged new paths on the West Coast, and allowed myself to finally let go a little....let go of expectations of others, of trying to be someone I thought I was supposed to be, of attempting to fit into others' molds, of seeking approval over seeking my desires. Loving and accepting the path I am on, has brought me to a brighter vision of who I am and what I want.
After a long series of transitions, receiving support in many shapes and forms, some coaching and vast soul seeking, it became clear to me, that I was meant to transform my experiences by empowering and supporting others and helping to bring more lightness and ease into others' lives. So, I became a certified life and leadership coach, with niches in career exploration and development, well-being and life/work balance, leadership development and intercultural training and coaching.
My path and purpose now at this point, is to empower clients of all ages, and maybe YOU to discover what makes your soul come alive, what speaks to you, what makes your heart sing......how to remember to simply be you - and that that truly is enough. In fact being your true self may very well be your path to living your life fully - to live your days, authentically, whole-heartedly and in alignment with what you value and want.
My colorful career path of coaching, advising, teaching, training adults and students of all ages and cultural backgrounds, has taught me that as unique and different as we all are, we all, at the deepest root of who we are, want to love and be loved, feel purpose, connection, and joy.
We sometimes simply forget the amazing human beings we truly are. Our inner strengths, resources, gifts, talents and wisdom are with us - we forget that we really do have what we need within. You are given gifts that no one else on the planet has. You are meant to share your unique self with all of us!
Who I am
I am a seeker, an explorer, a vibrant soul who is dedicated to empowering you to live your best life
I am a bridge builder, a relationship nurturer and natural connector, who lives, breathes and values the power of connection, community and relationships
I am a life long learner, a friend, a lover, a sister, a daughter, a trainer, a coach, a dancer, a teacher, a writer, a lover of life, an adventurer, a freedom seeker, an advocate for justice, a "break -the-rules" female....who is forever growing and expanding
I am your coach if you choose to invite me to walk alongside your beautiful journey for a bit, and be just one of the many guides in your life. I will hold you accountable with a gentle, yet firm touch to empower you to live out dreams and goals, take the action you know you are ready to take, and with clarity, support you to create what you desire for your life, with ease, grace and some fun!
Training and Education
I am trained and certified as a Core Energy Coach via iPEC's Core Energy Coaching™ process and Energy Leadership™ framework. The Core Energy Coaching process helps bring out the potential in people by tapping into their inner purpose and passion and connect that with outer goals and tasks to bring sustainable and desired results.
I bring experience primarily from the education and non-profit world, with a mix of corporate in adult training and teaching, a little bit of academia, and alot of grassroots “on the frontlines” work in schools and communities. I have taught, trained, worked with and learnt from, students and clients, ages 3 - 73. My career started as a public school teacher, (B.A., Sociology and Education), and then, in community outreach and programming to serve families and children. I gained my MA, in Intercultural Relations and Training, to understand and delve into intercultural communication, training in the realm of diversity and intercultural awareness, and how our bias, stereotypes, and own sense of who we are, impacts how we see the world, and how we interact with others.
As an intercultural trainer with international adult professionals, I have trained, advised and empowered people from all over the world, on how to regain confidence, understand the American culture, and take action with tools, skills and understanding of the job search in the U.S., in order to re-establish their careers in the U.S..
What I love!!
I love celebrating life and people. I love stories and witnessing the power of our stories - how they touch us, inspire us and all those who we connect to. We make meaning and sense of our lives through storytelling. We connect with others through sharing stories.
I love experiencing the aha moments, the release of fear, and welcoming in of love and life into our hearts.
I love to create, to dance, to play, to learn, to grow. I love to listen, to be curious, to guide, to honor the authentic and genuine individuality we each hold in our body, mind and spirit.
I love to help people remember how they are amazing beings, that each one of us is here to live freely, share our talents with the world, and live in connection. love and joy.
My work is to help people have the courage to see the dark side and shadows that are lurking in our lives, that block us, halt us at full stop in our tracks, hold us back from living what we want, and ultimately prevent us from stretching and growing into who are are.
I love helping others to rediscover that we all have a light that we can shine on those dark spaces and that is where things get really juicy and sweet. The light is always there for us…we need to be willing to look, and peer into those caves, and scary places from time to time though. The fear speaks to us often when it’s time for a change - that’s usually the portal that opens us to wondrous possibilities, allowing us to live our purpose and grow and expand into a fuller self. The fear needs a place to be heard and held too. It deserves some witnessing so we can move on to what is beyond it. Yeah, it sucks sometimes to go to those places, yet with support, finding our way can be a soul enriching journey that paves the way for even more awe and abundance in our lives.
What I believe to be true
I believe that we truly are here on this planet to grow, learn and then share what we learn with each other. I believe that we are here to have fun along the way. Not everything has to be hard or a struggle in order to grow or succeed. Why wait any longer to live your true self and what you want to experience in your life?
I believe this life we have is precious, fragile, not to be taken for granted. We do not have all the time in the world to begin living, nor can we wait for when the time is "right"…..sometimes leaping and having faith is what our soul asks for. You do know what you want your life to feel and look like. Sometimes knowing requires you to stop to remember what your vision is, and to rediscover and redefine what you want. We let layers of guilt, fear, old stories, and beliefs limit us and often get in our way from what we desire. Free yourself up and let go of those stories that no longer serve you. Make some space for what you want.
I believe that you hold the answers and solutions to your struggles, your doubts, your challenges, and that you do have unique gifts to share with the world. I believe that you have the personal power and courage to take action to move yourself in the direction of what you want.....I believe that you know how you want to feel, and how you want to live. I also believe in the power of support, of connection, of non-judgmental coaching, and accountability, to empower you to live into your story and perhaps, if it's time, to tell a new story or two. You are the author and creator of your story. And you can edit as much as you like.
“The fear & doubt will always show up when we are on the edge of something new...Be brave, trust your heart and inner guide and jump in!”